Monday, December 10, 2007

Gingercookie Eewy Man :6

In case you're wondering, this is the ginger cookie dough i'm making. I think it was supposed to be more solid.
While waiting for my dough to solidify in the fridge, shaun n jason were preparing tonight's dinner, which consists of shaun's famous fried rice and jap curry :p

As you can see, we finished up everything. Do you notice the pot with the gold coloured handle? The handle is actually made from copper :/ I didn't believe that it would be very hot and i had to touch it to prove myself wrong. Some vulgar phrase just shot out of my mouth and i hopped around for a while. The handles were even hotter than the pot itself! :/
And next, we continued with the rest of the recipe.
I don't know whether should i cry or laugh, when i'm dripping the dough into the cutter on the baking pan. Because it seemed like runny shit :/
The above 2 pictures are the before and after images of the ginger cookie dough. I guesses there's too much sugar in the dough, that's why the ginger cookie men got so fat............... :p

I really want to thank Shaun for lending me his "facilities" :p and both of them for helping me... a lot :p

I came across this word "cherish" in the newspapers today and it suddenly struck me. I just think that this word sounds, and looks very beautiful.
1. To treat with affection and tenderness; hold dear: cherish one's family; fine rugs that are cherished by their owners.
2. To keep fondly in mind; entertain: cherish a memory.

Ermmm... don't really know how to end off this entry... so..... bye! :p

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