Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Red ranger and green/white ranger (popinjay aka gay boy.. haha :p ) was out in town today. Guess all the monsters were staying at home today... didn't see any... :6

I have a feeling that this game is going to make addicts out of a lot of ppl. You can just spend hours there.. using the tokens you exchange as ammunition, and to capture fish which allows you to earn more tokens. I heard from kel that you can exchange tokens for prizes like ipod or ipod touch... :/

sy got addicted the first time she played la... :/


End interest...
Just settle everything that is on my list first :o Next on the line... popinjay's bday stuff :o

oh ya.. I got into jingshan primary school... :/ Maybe I am lucky that at least, I do not have to take a transfer bus from the station.

Monday, August 30, 2010

okay to be alone

settled like sand along the shore

We caught up with each other at the airport on one Friday... Some backdated photos :o


Yesterday afternoon, I was going through my old stack of tshirts and uniforms from my teenage days. And here are some of the "treasures" that I found....

My sec 1 Class T-Shirt

My Sec Sch NCC T-Shirt

My TCHS PE attire from the above two photos

Joined Rugby for a while when I was in TCHS

PJC's orientation tee :o

First 3 Mths at PJC T-Shirt

SAJC's PE T-Shirt

HCJC T-Shirt: Kapoked this from my friend

Can't think of any other better way to remember them, so I decided to keep them by using photos :o


I just feel quite settled now... used to this kind of feelings... I don't want it.. :8


Andy's Timely Intervention before I tried to jump...... onto my bed to sleep... :6

"perhaps one thing you will like to think about - some problems simply do not have solutions...sometimes, such problems do not even need to be solve...we can live better by simply managing the problems better instead of seeking solutions =)"

"but the formula works just fine - if quantity decrease, just work on the quality"


What everyone else says, it really shouldn't matter. Just know what you really want..

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Calcutta Paradox

  • “I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much.” - Mother Theresa
  • “We can do no great things, only small things with great love.”
  • Proud people focus on the failures of others and can readily point out those faults. Humble people are more conscious of their own spiritual need than of anyone else's.
  • Proud people are self-righteous; they think highly of themselves and look down on others. Humble people think the best of others; they esteem others better than themselves.
  • Proud people have a critical, fault-finding spirit. They look at everyone else's faults with a microscope and their own with a telescope. Humble people are compassionate-they have the kind of love that overlooks a multitude of sins; they can forgive much because they know how much they have been forgiven.
  • Proud people feel confident in how much they know. Humble people are aware of how very much they have to learn.
  • Proud people are self-conscious; they worry about what others think of them. Humble people are not preoccupied with what others think of them.
  • Proud people keep others at arm's length. Humble people are willing to take the risks of getting close to others and loving intimately.
  • Proud people are quick to blame others. Humble people accept personal responsibility and can acknowledge where they were wrong in a situation.
  • Proud people wait for others to come and ask forgiveness when there is a misunderstanding or a breach in a relationship. Humble people take the initiative to be reconciled, no matter how wrong the other party may have been.
  • Proud people are unapproachable or defensive when corrected. Humble people receive correction with a humble, open spirit.
  • Proud people have a hard time saying "I was wrong; will you please forgive me?" Humble people are quick to admit their failure and to seek forgiveness when necessary.

Humble pie is good for health, and everything else :o

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

total eclipse of the heart

Went to the Indoor stadium area to have mushrooms one night... and on another day, to the beach near Changi village (after sending ron off) recently...


Warning: Boring sharing...

During my primary school and secondary school days, I was some sort of an attention seeker.I liked to play the part of a clown in primary 5 and 6. Most of the time, I would say silly stuff.. Sometimes, I would go to school early just to be the first to reach class so that I could frighten whoever arrived next.... I wasn't a bad boy, just a mischievous one... and a fat one. "ah-bui" was my primary school nick name :o .. haha... I remember the rounds I ran during every recess, for the TAF club... Should be around 6 rounds. And we would be given two biscuits to munch on, and unlimited supply of water cooler water. Those runs allowed me to run a timing of 7 plus minutes for our 1.6km in our Napfa test :o I was the first in my batch of runners... I guessed a lot of people were shocked at my result... even me.. haha...

oh ya... Starting from primary 6, till my JC 2 year, without fail, my mom would be asked to go down to meet the teachers. :s It is due to my poor results. :/ I think it is because I spent too much on playing instead of studying. With my best friend in primary school, we played on game consoles like sega, sega saturn, block catching, cards with his relatives and neighbours at his place. But we do work hard too k... Whenever homework is given, we would fight to finish it as fast as possible. I remember there was this June hols when we were given a whole chunk of homework to complete for this assessment book. We just went to his place immediately and .... (I forgot whether we copied the answers or we did it by ourselves) finished the work in a day or two.. Hmmm... I lost contact with this friend as we went to different secondary schools. I know that he is living near my area though.. bumped into him a few years back...

Saturday, August 21, 2010


maybe I've never thought about myself ever since I entered my first relationship 5 yrs back... maybe I don't know who I am alone...

Maybe I need to spend more time with myself, instead of listening to glee songs and directing dramas in mi head... :s


水瓶座: 和水瓶谈情说爱,不得不说就像一场神秘而华丽的冒险。他们的想法总是有够新鲜特别,虽然心思往往令对方琢磨不透,但不可否认,越是无法完全掌控,就越是吸引对方去一探究竟,而水瓶就像一开始就设置好了迷宫的关卡一样,总是在对方以为可以全部了解的时候,才发现后面还有更多需要进一步体会的美好。所以说,时间并不会令水瓶在对方的心中变得可有可无,相反,而是会觉得越来越爱不够。不管生活是不是平淡,日子是不是真的无聊,水瓶总能时不时带给对方惊喜,不一定是物质上的,他们能够轻而易举的洞察对方的心情,抓住重点去交谈,去安慰。随着相处的时间越来越长,对方会发现自己的人生已经不能再没有水瓶。水瓶带给爱人的已经不仅仅是惊喜,更是一种难以泯灭的幸福感。爱上了水瓶,就注定陷入他们所给予的阳光氛围,每天都呼吸着他们带来的最特别清香,一步一步牵手走在快乐的恋爱大道,怎么也爱不够。

Friday, August 20, 2010

wind it good

Met up with jonathan and had a delicious thai meal... plus a walk to esplanade, plus wind in the face... nice... :o

There is this long ledge upon the top floor of the esplanade where the wind will rush up...
I like wind blowing upon my face...... ... not those strong winds la... :8


A bit of goodness here and there... makes a lot of difference to the people who receives and appreciates it.. :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


different thing for the day: I changed a toilet sink tap for the very first time :o

... and another interesting thing that happened.. was that britney spears just added me on twitter this morning... haha... I don't follow her though... Maybe it's an accident or she just likes to follow others ba.. she follows about 400 thousand plus tweeters :o


"I just stopped dating someone.. Although you are 好看的, and you are a good person, you better leave me alone. Let me have this standard rest period (e.g. a week? a month?) to be by myself." ......
just sth that i thought about... Does anybody knows someone who will say something like this?

updated aura

Keywords by interpreter: different levels of love present in my life now; lonely now, think quite a bit, accomplishments in the future, etc...

"You are happy to be just who you are...." haha...

"You probably are not the most ambitious person in the world and are more concerned with having a pleasant day than amassing great amounts of capital or possessions." right :o

Reminder : "Your sensitive nature sometimes feels overwhelmed by the harshness of the world but once you are able to spend quiet time alone, you are able to easily rebalance yourself."

Previous aura photos: http://being-happy-is-enough.blogspot.com/2010/03/aura.html

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

关心, 还是关心?

Meet up with candice, jolyn, junrong and ming jian last friday night... still waiting for jr to send me our cam-whoring photos at the airport :8

Visited Marina Bay Sands for the first time last night :o

First time to Sengkang gym and pool. The slide was really scary and fun... haha...

I love Teh-O :o ... good drink to have after any full meal or any oily food :o ... :/



Friday, August 6, 2010

joys in non-freedom

In one of my opinions...
loving someone/being together with someone means mutual and willing fulfillment of each others' wants. If your wants include wanting the other to fulfill your wants, *deh!!!!*, wrong :o You can expect another person to do what you want, but whether that person will do it, it is up to him/her. Obligations will kill any relationship sooner or later... There is no law, written or unwritten, that the other person must do what you want. You will not want to be forced to do anything too...


"We have no trouble anticipating the advantages that freedom can provide, but we seem blind to the joys it can undermine."

Thursday, August 5, 2010

purposeful life

Somewhere along the way... while I was growing up... I thought a lot more... And I began to know that some short-term feel-good things are just... short term... I began to have a "so-what" attitude towards them.

A few years down the road, here I am, holding the same attitude towards more things during most of the time. On the train to work just now, it just struck me. Actually, everything is short-term...

I feel that if I continue to be lazy and think this way, everything will begin to not matter to me, as everything will just.. pass.

Have to be proactive to know what matters to me, to make some things matter to me..
I guess you make your own purpose/s in life. It will not be pushed onto you by others or the society or people around you. The purpose you create for yourself, will be more meaningful and you will take more ownership over it.

You create what you want in your life. ... Go think about it and decide, what you want with your life.

bored ramblings

I can't and I don't want to make up my mind... Is it because I am only interested in short term happiness instead of long term happiness?


What's up with all the hype about happiness anyway... Just beginning to think that it is kinda overrated by me.. Now I just wanna eat good food, stay fit and healthy, and have comfortable relationships with people around me.... I also wanna go overseas and see and hear and feel everything (almost) over there :o

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Money- can be earned :o .. maybe i need to have at least one more tuition session now.. instead of a total of only two... :/

Ambitions- can be realized when i reach my next step in life, which is when i start my teaching job

Talent- can pick up a skill or two. Maybe.... 2 or 3 magic tricks to wow little girls? .. haha..

Looks- my hair can be burnt and new hair will grow in its place :o ... :/ good hair colour, cool styling of hair, and maintenance of face :o

Popularity- don't really care about this... haha... as long as the friends i like, like me.. and i must also like myself la...

Smarts- Learn abt stocks

wow.. actually all these can be fulfilled now or soon... :6

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