Monday, August 22, 2011


I don't know why, but everytime when i look at the keywords being used to search to link up to my blog, I am perturbed. Because.... at the top of the list, there will be phrases like "shit in mouth" and "shit eater" :s I remember using shit as an analogy, but just once... :sss

Can anybody, who typed in those words, care to explain why? :/

happ pot

Can't resist sharing these two photos up... Wanna remind myself to get sth like these :o


There has been this issue of walking the talk again.. wanting to do a lot of things, but due to excuses and reasons, procrastination occurred... :8


Went to have korean bbq buffet on fri night and went to this "Singapop" concert on sat night and lots of chilaxing on sun :o

Just felt like taking photos for a new profile pic so I was trying to experiment with old and new poses.. :8

*childish* :8

Thursday, August 18, 2011


I am jealous. ... yes, I'm jealous. Not envious. I'm jealous of my brother and sister. My mom gave them some money because she won some in the lottery.

Actually, I feel happy for them, because they deserve it. My sister helped the family a lot, and my brother helped the family a lot too... Does it mean that I didn't help my family much? ... Maybe it does..

I just went to ask my mom whether she can give me some... haha... And she said she will give me some to buy new clothes for my sister's wedding. Then i refused to get it from her... I feel lousy.. haha.. :( .. Firstly, it's because she didn't give me out of her own initiative. Secondly, I don't think that i deserve it any more than my brother and sister...

lousy degree: 5/10


Anyway.... I went out with Jolyn, Candice and her finnish friend who turned 30 on that exact day :o So we went for a thai steamboat grill dinner at Golden Mile Centre/Plaza? and drinks at clarke quay.

It was different as what I had expected. He is quite mild-mannered and shy. And he is quite serious when he's listening or talking... I felt comfortable hanging around with him. And this.... shows that stereotyping doesn't work :o

Monday, August 15, 2011


Recently, mr d introduced me to this two websites, as I was sorta asking for opinions on what kind of clothes that I should buy.

Looking through now, and I think i will post up a few attires here that I want to try...

cool... the website even tells you where
they get their clothes and accessories :o

Anybody has any idea what attire i can wear to my sister's wedding banquet? .. Don't know whether there are any other attires apart from the usual blazer-shirt-pants combi.. :/


Anyway, I just started reading this book titled 'Frequency'. It just reminds me that lives are not just meant for living, they are meant for creating.

Friday, August 12, 2011

dot dot dot

Do you miss someone because of everything you share with that person, or just the memories?


It has reached a point of the curve where both have no enthusiasm for it.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Reminders to self

I like it when anyone says whatever that he/she feels like saying.

Stereotyping is a form of limitation, and it is possible for anyone to step out of it, so.... don't stereotype :oooo

Remember the past, live in the present, think of the future.

Conquer whatever I am scared of, to grow beyond the limitations I/we/they set for me.

xiao long 小龙

One different thing you see when you enter the working world... People of different ages, abilities, attitudes, looks..

It made me feel inadequate for a while, and for a few times.. haha.. I'm so used to having everybody almost on the same level :o I guess this is where people have to choose their own standards, and not having any general standards for the group/cohort to follow.


J and me finally went down to use my xiao long bao groupons :o I've been procrastinating for so long and I even got the extension of the deadline from the manager of paradise dynasty as i was one of the hundred plus ppl who turned up on the last day.. :p Thank you manager!!

Anyway, we did a taste test on the various flavours and the results are posted below the photo.

original flavour: J7.5 GR8
Cheese (yellow): J7.5 GR6.5
Crab Roe (orange): J7(the juice came out, so the marks may not be accurate) GR6
Sze Chuan (pink): J3 GR4.5
Truffle (black): J8 GR7.5
Ginseng (green): J6 GR5
Foie Gras (brown): J7 GR7
Garlic (grey): J7 GR7

Full marks is 10.

Disclaimer: We ate them in the order that it's written here, so in the end, we may have gotten a bit sick and tired because of the number of xiao long baos that we ate... :s


Random sharing: I've been wanting to take up this alternate name called xiao long 小龙 for quite some time now. Just feel that it's cute, boyish, and kinda manly... Is it possible to take this as a English name? *read xiao long with an american or british accent*

Thursday, August 4, 2011

model rolling

Words tend to be redefined along with our experiences, and thus, they can be subjective. Even though you may say words with good intentions, but they can still be taken as hurting words. If your good intentions do not go through to the others, will you still try hard to let your intentions be known? ... It all depends on you.


If you are one of the people who are in the dumps now, know that there are at least 7 other people who will want you to feel better. I'm one of them :o Rem that although you cannot change external factors, at least you can change the internal factors... *nodz* . . . I realized that it's useful to attend lessons at NIE now, because I feel that we are given a chance to observe how our teachers teach us. It does help to a huge exent, to have some good role models.

my bald head look!! (photo taken last sunday)
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