Sunday, July 26, 2009


Going for a school camp later :o

Saturday, July 25, 2009

care bear

i won 3000 plus in fb mj tonight :) ... haha... :p

Not caring about someone, not caring about someone's opinions, and not letting someone else's opinions affect you, are three different things. You can still care about someone.. You can still care about their opinions... And you don't have to let their opinions affect you.. don't have to let their opinions control your thinking/behavior... Everybody's rights and wrongs are subjective.. The majority of the population/society
holding the same opinion does not make it a righter one...

Friday, July 24, 2009


okay... i just lost all the money on mj in fb... :/

ask for more

Lots and lots of skin ah :o

Can you guess what thing is the below photo showing?

haha... :p

I had a good start to my day today... when i won 1000 plus in the mahjong application on fb... :p Then the weather was nice for sun tanning... Had a good linner... My tuition kid's behavior was kind of good today... Caught up with two friends today... Had $8.50 worth of sushi for just $1.50 because it was the first day of their opening and they were closing... Had a nice supper too... Had good company throughout the day :o I am thankful for the good day i had today... Can i have more of these kind of days? :p ... not just the mj part ah... but everything else :o
Thank you in advance (@_@) ......... .......Think i am kinda lame... :6

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

the secret

"his whole life changed, because he changed from focusing on what he did not want, what he was afraid of, what he wanted to avoid, to focusing on what he did want.

So we may be very positive in our outlook and orientation and we tend to attract positive people and positive events and circumstances.
When we're very negative in our orientation, or very angry, in which case we tend to attract negative angry people, and negative angry circumstances.

And so you end up attracting to you, the predominant thoughts that you are holding in your awareness, whether those thoughts are conscious, or whether they're unconscious.

What you think about, you bring about.
Your life is a physical manifestation of the thoughts that go on in your head.

So, the law of attraction, the study and practice of the law of attraction, is just figuring out what will help you generate the feelings of having it now. Go test drive that car, go shop for that home, get in the house, do whatever you need to do to generate the feeling of having it now, and remember them. Whatever you can do to do that, will help you to literally attract it

Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step.

When you want to change your circumstances, you must first change your thinking.

So we're constantly living in this residual, if you will, of the thoughts and actions we've taken in the past. When you look at your current state of affairs and define yourself by that, then you doom yourself to have nothing more than the same in the future.

Start making a list of things to be grateful for. Start with that, because this shifts your energy. It starts to shift your thinking. Where before this exercise, you might be focusing on what you don't have, and you might be focusing on your complaints, and you might be focusing on whatever the problems are, when you do this exercise you start to go in a different direction. You start to be grateful for all the things that you feel good about. Gratitude is absolutely the way to bring more into your life.

When you visualize, you materialize.

When you're visualizing, when you've got that picture playing out in your mind, always and only dwell upon the end result.

When you have inspired thought
You have to trust it
You have to act on it.

Instead, give more to yourself. Take time off to give to yourself, in a sense to fill yourself up to fullness, to where now you can overflow in giving.

It wasn't until I fell in love with Lisa, my mocha skin, my full lips, my round hips, my curly hair, it wasn't until that moment that I fell in love with me, that the rest of the world was able to fall in love with me as well.

And as soon as you love yourself, you'll love others.

For relationships to really work, we need to focus on what we appreciate about the other person, not what we are complaining about. When we're complaining about those things, we're only getting more of those things. Even if you're having a really hard time in your relationship... things aren't working, you're not getting along, someone's in your face.... you still can turn that relationship around. Take a piece of paper, and for the next thirty days, once a day sit down and write all the things that you appreciate about that person. Think about all the reasons that you love them. You appreciate their sense of humour, you appreciate how supportive they are. And what you'll find is that when you focus on appreciating and acknowledging their strengths, that's what you'll get more of. And the problems will fade away.

We cannot control other people, no matter how hard we try.

We create our own happiness through the law of attraction.

Often times, you give others the opportunity to create your happiness. And many times they fail to create it the way you want it.
Because only one person can be in charge of your joy, of your bliss. And that's you.

Remove physiological stress from the body, and the body does what it was designed to do. It heals itself.

What you resist persist.

You want to focus on what you want, not what you don't want. It's okay to notice what you don't want, because that gives you contrast to say "Well, this is what I do want." But the fact is, the more you talk about what you don't want, or talk about how bad it is, read about that all the time, and say how terrible it is, well, you're creating more of that.

Learn to become still, and to take your attention away from what you don't want, and all the emotional charge around it, and place the attention on what you wish to experience.

Energy flows where attention goes.

Now the truth is, there's more than enough good to go around. There's more than enough creative ideas, there's more than enough power, there's more than enough love, there's more than enough joy.

When people focus on what they want, what they don't want falls away.

You are the designer of your destiny.
You are the author.
You write the story.
The pen is in your hand.
And the outcome is whatever you choose.

"Whether you think you can
or you cant
either way you are right"
-Henry Ford

You were born to add something, to add value, to simply be the best that you can be."
-quoted from "the secret"

because of you

I'm bored... haha... :s

old link

was going through the websites in my bookmarks when i came across this again.. received this link 3 or 4 years back..

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

giveth power

"Each interaction "begins to end" the instant it "begins to begins." Only when this is truly contemplated and deeply understood does the full treasure of every moment - and of life itself - open to you.

Your time with each person would be glorified if you thought it was your last time with that person. Your experience of each moment would be enhanced beyond measure if you thought it was the last such moment.

When you look deeply at something, you see right through it. To contemplate a thing deeply is to see right through it. Then the illusion ceases to exist. Then you see a thing for what it really is. nly then can you enjoy it - that is, place joy in it. (To "en-joy" is to render something joyful.)
Even the illusion you can then enjoy. For you will know it is an illusion, and that is half the enjoyment! It is the fact that you think it is real that causes you all the pain.

Nothing is painful which you understand is not real."


I don't know why... for the past few nights, I have been thinking of the breakfast that I was going to eat for the next day... :s And I am not as disciplined as in the past.. in exercising regularly... :S

just walked past this today :p

There have been a lot of food promotions going on... :s

Monday, July 20, 2009


"Glorify what you are today, yet do not condemn what you were yesterday, nor preclude what you could become tomorrow."
-quote :6

Sunday, July 19, 2009

permanence impermanence

"Impermanence is the only truth.

Therefore, even permanence is impermanent.

See the flower dying and you will see the flower sadly. Yet see the flower as part of the whole tree that is changing, and will soon bear fruit, and you see the flower's true beauty. When you understand that the blossoming and the falling away of the flower is a sign that the tree is ready to bear fruit, then you understand life."
-quote quote :o

Saturday, July 18, 2009

power belief

Yesterday, I was feeling kinda childish when I saw these birds hanging around. So i walked slowly towards them...

and ran towards them suddenly :o

and i did it a few times.. :p haha..

He can do it anywhere.. at home, on the train, and even while crossing the road :o ... :p

cheap!! :p

I realized that, i have this power to easily believe in what i want to believe in.. Been using this power for my "acting" recently.. :p

face denial

"Most people hear insults when only an observation has been made, if what is being observed is something they don't want to own.
Yet until you hold a thing, you cannot let it go. And you cannot disown that which you have never owned.

You cannot change that which you do not accept.

Enlightenment begins with acceptance, without judgment of "what is."

What you resists, persists. What you look at disappears. That is, it ceases to have its illusional form. You see it for what it Is. And what Is can always be changed. It is only what Is Not that cannot be changed.

What you deny you declare. What you declare you create.
Denial of something is re-creation of it, for the very act of denying something places it there.
Acceptance of something places you in control of it.
That which you deny you cannot control. For you have said it is not there. Therefore what you deny controls you."
-quoted :o

Friday, July 17, 2009

i'm a medium

I have always known that i will not be much fun during group games because i can hardly be infected by the "highness" of most people and... i am not high to start with. And with most people and at most times, I am like this.. something like a rock... I do have some reactions but there's a limit, and it is quite low. I have always envied people who can get to certain levels of highs and lows. I would like to reach the level they are at, and feel what they feel...

But i realized that, from a certain perspective, being me isn't that bad too.. I do provide a steady influence to people... who wants to be steadied :p and my emotions will not change fast enough for me to do anything rash or anything I will regret doing.

I don't really love a lot of things.. But I do love everything that I love :p ... red bean sweet corn drink is one of them! :) I think that has been my favourite drink ever since the first time i bought it at sweet talk a few years back :o

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

self justification

"Because you imagine damage, you require revenge. Because you experience pain, you need another to experience pain as retribution for your own. Yet what possible justification can that be for inflicting pain upon another? Because (you imagine) someone has inflicted injury upon you, you feel it right and proper to inflict injury in return? That which you say is not okay for human beings to do to each other, is okay for you to do, so long as you are justified?
This is insanity. And what you do not see in this insanity is that all people who inflict pain on others assume themselves to be justified.

By your definition, what they seek and desire is wrong. But by their definition, it is not. You may not agree with their model of the world, with their moral and ethical constructions, with their theological understandings, nor with their decisions, choices and actions... but they agree with them, based on their values.
You call their values "wrong". But who is to say your values are"right"? Only you. Your values are "right" because you say they are. Even this might make some sense if you kept your word about it, but you, yourself, change your mind constantly about what you consider "right" and "wrong".

The problem is that so many of you insist on thinking that the values you now have are the right and perfect ones, and that everyone else should adhere to them. Some of you have become self-justified and self-righteous.
Stick to your beliefs, if that serves you. Hold tight. Do not waiver. For your ideas about "right" and "wrong" are your definitions of Who You Are. Yet do not require that others define themselves according to your terms. And do not stay "stuck" in your present beliefs and customs that you halt the process of evolution itself.

No matter how "good" you think things have been, they can be better. No matter how wonderful you think your theologies, your ideologies, your cosmologies, they can be full of even more wonder. For there are "more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
Be open, therefore. Be OPEN. Don't close off the possibility of new truth because you have been comfortable with an old one. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.
Yet be not quick to judge another. Rather, seek to avoid judgment, for another person's "wrongs" were your "rights" of yestermorn; another person's mistakes are your own past actions, now corrected; another person's choices and decisions are as "hurtful" and "harmful," as "selfish" and "unforgiveable," as many of your own have been."
--- quoted :o

rocky choice

Once you believe in something (made your mind up over something), no amount of explanation can change your mind... unless you choose to believe in other things over the original one.


I just realised that i only have a few okay photos of myself during the trip.. most are quite chui... :s

A few photos that i took after i came back from malaysia :o

sy said that david's dad looked like he drinks fancl's tense up ex... :p

A few photos taken before david enters BMT, during the treat that david's parents gave us...

Mom's leftover rice in the background :o

Dawn and adam in person over at sentosa :o

All of us get our kicks from different places... :p as in... We love different things like... people/travelling/nature (blue sky, blue sea, sunshine, scenery... etc...)
  • You may love to watch the clouds float past the sky while sitting on the beach..
  • You may love to jump directly in the squares tiles on the ground..
  • You may love to see your tummy growing smaller after a few days of exercises... :p
  • You may love to see the exasperated looks on your parents' faces..
  • You may love to see your hair styled exactly the way you pictured it to be, after you're done with your hair..
  • You may not know it, but some of you do love to be miserable.. :6
  • You may love to see the cute girl or guy looking over in your direction when you feel that you look good that day...
  • You may love to watch other people smile or laugh..
  • You may love the attention others give you..
  • You may love to give or get hugs and kisses..

There are tons of other things where people get their kicks from, and there is no right thing which we should love more or less...
..To each his own :o

Sunday, July 12, 2009


David's mom just told us this afternoon that... to be able to win 十三么, you could wait for any card that is missing in the combination. The rules that David's dad told us about before, was discussed before the start of his games, so it was different from how most people play. So, the rule is........ to just decide on the rules before the start of any games... :6

Saturday, July 11, 2009

back from malaysia :o

The only things i dislike from the trip, are the long bus rides :s

Whenever you say you put yourself in the shoes of others, you are actually just putting them in your own shoes. It's actually quite difficult to feel or think in the shoes of others as you don't know what they know, and didn't experience what they experienced.

When you make a choice, you aren't really making just one choice. You are making a choice that will affect dozens of other related choices. E.g. When you choose to eat less to be slim, you are also depriving your body of necessary nutrients. At the same time, your body's metabolic rate will slow down as you eat too little to be able keep the metabolic rate high... (i think :p) ... So next time, whenever you make a choice, be aware of the effects of it, because, actually, all, if not most things, happen because of your choice.

Monday, July 6, 2009


I had 9 tiles at the start. And this was the closest I've ever gotten to a 十三么. I was already super high when i was waiting for jiu wan or yi suo, and was preparing to ask david to prepare to take a photo of me with my winning tiles... :p Anyway, I thought that I was able to win if anybody threw out yi suo. But david's dad corrected me or rather us, that, I could only win if i got that tile by myself. It turned out that, this situation is like " a kah long in ping hu or chou ping hu kind of tiles". So, only if i have all thirteen different tiles in my hand, then I am able to win if any of the tiles are thrown out.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


I am part of the group who is dedicated and committed to mj... :p

Saturday, July 4, 2009


"You were not always the "you" that you are now. You were something else. And today, as you stand there in your utter magnificence, you truly are... "something else again."

Assume a different perspective and you will have a different thought about everything. In this way you will have learned to control your thought, and, in the creation of your experience, controlled thought is everything.

Yet I tell you this. You are worthy. As is everyone else. Unworthiness is the worse indictment ever visited upon the human race. You have based your sense of worthiness on the past, while i base your sense of worthiness on the future.

What you have done is unimportant compared to what you are about to do. How you have erred is insignificant compared to how you are about to create.

I forgive your mistakes. All of them. I forgive your misplaced passions. All of them. I forgive your erroneous notions, your misguided understandings, your hurtful actions, your selfish decisions, all of them.
Others may not forgive you, but I do. Others may not release you from your guilt, but I do. Others may not let you forget, allow you to go on, become something new, but I do. For I know that you are not, what you were, but are, and always will be, what you are now."
-quoted :o

Friday, July 3, 2009


..... i'm an insecure shit.... (dun mind me... i'm just whining over here...)

.. need to pamper my spirit :o

Thursday, July 2, 2009

time to get back on the road

I was a bit frightened by this... The owner of the vehicle placed the mask beside the head rest :s

  • I have no control over what others think, do, say... So, i do not have to be distracted by them
  • be clear of my own intentions
  • be aware of any feelings that are evoked by different actions, words, happenings, etc..
  • learn to live (think long and hard about what really matters and then spend time pursuing it)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

cinammon melts!!

The $2.50 price may be a bit steep.. but the cinammon melts rocks... seriously and totally :o ... anyway, 3/8 of the cinammon melts is gone in the photo :8 that's why the portion looks super small... but the original portion size isn't that big to begin with :/
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