Saturday, February 23, 2008


haha.. i think i have a lot of friends sharing with me their views these past few days :p mj just shared with me today.. ermm... i think i'll just post up one, in case i divulge too many of his trade secrets :p
"留后路" it's what he always believe and always practise. It's more for whatever comes out of our mouths It's like... always having a contingency plan. In case you say something wrong, or what u say had an unexpected effect on other people, there'll be a way to soften the effect or change the direction of the conversation. You would have to think of the possible consequences beforehand and plan. But, i think i'm too lazy to think ahead :/

I went to school today for the briefing for the ambassadors for the open house this morning. And i found out that I had to go and help to pack the goodie bags to be given out on Open House day. And it's because i was the first few to reply my I/C's sms :/ Lunch is not provided lo... :swhat-you-looking-at-look by laiyan (0_0)
jr's cool new hairstyle :o

traffic light :o
Traffic Light with a Zebra Crossing :p (her top has white stripes on it)

Hmmm... I was thinking of the few reasons why people have friends or rather, why they hang around certain people..
  1. You feel comfortable with them.
  2. They're useful.
  3. For company.
  4. You like them.
  5. Habit
1 of my friends said jokingly that i don't have 利用价值. I don't know whether should i be happy to hear this. I was considering trying to upgrade myself to make myself more useful... Actually, when i was in secondary school, i had low self esteem, because of my introvert personality and my looks. I wanted to get accepted by my peers around me so for a period of time, i always offer to run errands, to help them buy food from the canteen, so that i can be useful to them. I always did it with a lot of enthusiasm :p haha... I even thought of another reason why i should help them.. so that i can lose weight at the same time. Think it was just to get them to notice my existence... Anyway, i think i'm too used to wanting to do things for others, instead of doing anything for myself. So now, i don't really know what i want to do... Ok, i think i'm losing focus on what i wanted to say :p
I wonder how many sincere and honest people will i meet in the later part of my life...

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