Friday, March 20, 2009

loving myself and loving it

Most or some people like how I look at first, but after knowing who I am, they slowly move away... To this, I felt offended at first.. But.. I realized that it's just that they don't really like my character. I can't force them to continue to like me too... It's their loss for not appreciating me for who i am... :p

"Steady day-in and day-out of pounding of undermining influences could cause even more psychological trauma than a single traumatic event."


Anonymous said...

Eh... That's not really trauma... More like a crisis le... Haha~ Anyway, you are right - if people find you good looking and merely just like you for that, that's being superficial. =)
I listened to your sms! I chilled out at a cafe-like place at Pierside... That place's cool! =)


squawks said...

"It's their loss for not appreciating me for who i am"

that sounds.... bad.

宅男 - 国容 said...

what do you mean?

Anonymous said...

i guess the point is not your personality lah.. i've known you for quite some time and i find you pretty decent, honest and all-round nice.

this issue that you always had i think is cuz sometimes you say things that either
1. make the people around you uncomfortable or
2. paint you in a negative light ("It's their loss for not appreciating me for who i am... :p")

Self-censure and preserving your true self in expression is a delicate balance.. so just suck all the bad experiences in, learn from them and get out of this predicament. =)

宅男 - 国容 said...

"It's their loss for not appreciating me for who i am... :p" ... I didn't know anyone could paint a negative light on me from these words that i said.. I was just trying to be positive.. :/ but ok la... You're just seeing this from a different angle... ... I shall take note of what you said.. Thank you :o

Anonymous said...

("It's their loss for not appreciating me for who i am... :p")

for those who dunno u, it may come off a lil too self-righteous, or over-confident to the extent of arrogance maybe. but tt's over-reading.

there is no need to be too conscious of what u say on this personal space of yours, unless u feel in any way answerable to the readers.

Anonymous said...

I have something to say. A bit out of point larz, but its juz wat i think. Look definitely makes the 1st impression especially when you wan to make random frenz online. So you cant blame people for knowing you becos of your look. Its so different from making frenz through frenz.

I agree with Andy, its superficial. Imagine "B" is a bad person but people likes B becos B is goodlooking.

Regarding your issue, i have my own thinking too. If the 1st person moved away from you after he/she got to noe you, the problem might be not be you. But if 'n'th person left you, maybe its time to reflect.

Anyway i oso agree with logicloopi, juz learn from bad experiences lo. Just remember, Love yourself and protect your heart. Think from another angle, you have the look, be proud, not everybody is goodlooking wor. Stay happie =D

宅男 - 国容 said...

'n'th person? ... :/ ok...

宅男 - 国容 said...

E: I guess I was a bit rash and defensive... :/ ...

Anonymous said...

rash and defensive? mayb not la.
u're being "true to yaself". its in rein with u wanting to be "more of myself", which i dun see any wrong in. i tink i can sorta understand where its comin from

in any case, u sld take care. =)

Anonymous said...

I still believe that there's a difference between self-confidence and self-deceit. In your case, I'd think it's the latter.


宅男 - 国容 said...

haha... i wish lo... but i hope i have enough self confidence... seriously, you are the first one to tell mi that.. i wonder would you say the same thing if you know me in person...

Anonymous said...

In life, you don't need others to validate your being. Remember your 'silent knowledge'.

Ask yourself - "what is my intent" - is my intent pure and coming from my heart. You WILL know. In an instance, its like giving your seat up for the old lady on the train - that feeling you have in the midst of doing it.

These intents are definitely not new to you. See how many thanks, gratefulness and friendships you have received in return over the years of your life although you set out doing those things for others with no intent to gain anything in return. Your friendster testimonials have proven this. Its also written on your lovely face.

Those that move away from you cannot appreciate you yet. You do not have to feel offended - you have to feel their pity for they have more to learn before they are ready...if your intent to be with them came from your heart. If that was your intent - You do not have to let others validate you. Don't let that come down on you...

Remember to also write for yourself, not write for others before self. You don't have to worry if others understand. : )


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