Thursday, February 5, 2009


I agree that we should give up our seats to the elderly. But in this letter posted on The Straits Times, it seemed that this writer has an... untactful way of sharing her opinions. It seemed to me that she is demanding that seats are given to her.. and the elderly.. Hmmm.. Sorry.. I have this thing about people placing demands on others. I think all of us should give up our seats to those people who have difficulty standing, no matter whether are they young, old, injured, or when they have disabilities. To me, it seemed that the writer is able-bodied enough to stand, and that she just wants to be given a seat because she feels that it is a right... :/

I like this photo :o


SeriousTayrius said...

Lol. happy birthday to whenever ur birthday is! didnt state, so i can't say belated! anyway, u shld visit the STOMP website, then will u know how ridiculous how some singaporeans can be!

宅男 - 国容 said...

thanks :o .. Yeah.. I've heard about some of the complaints.. :s will go look at them when i'm bored... to entertain myself... :p

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