Thursday, October 9, 2008

love is...

Liking a person because you like the attributes that person possesses.. e.g. beautiful, handsome, hardworking, clever, rich, etc..


Liking a person because you have feelings for that person..

What's the difference between these 2 situations? I don't think there are. Because, i think the feelings you have for some other, most probably arose from those attributes. I don't really think it's possible that you'll like a person based on nothing at all. You could have seen that person performing a kind act or he could have done something that touched you, etc.. But, this means that once the attributes are gone, you will not like that person anymore.. So, when you say you like a person, it means that you like her/his attributes.

So, to me, loving a person, means liking the person no matter who/what she/he becomes.

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