Sunday, October 26, 2008


Euthanasia is the deliberate, intentional termination of a person's life for the benefit of that person.
Countries that legalise euthanasia have set conditions for it to be implemented. ( Singapore is not one of the countries.)For instance, they require patients who request euthanasia to be above a certain age, mentally sound, suffering from a terminal condition, suffering and most importantly, it has to be voluntary.

Palliative care is about improving the quality of life of patients with terminal illnesses such as end-stage cancer and advanced organ failure. It involves managing pain as well as the social, emotional and spiritual needs of the patient and his relatives. Good palliative care is said to reduce the desire for death to be brought about sooner.

Advanced Medical Directive (AMD) is a document that tells doctors that a person does not want his life to be artificially prolonged if he has a terminal illness and is unable to express his wishes. ( This is available in Singapore.)
Under the Advanced Medical Directive Act, an AMD can be executed only when a patient is certified with a terminal illness, needs extraordinary life-sustaining treatment and is incapable of making rational judgement. After the AMD has taken effect, a patient with terminal illness will still receive palliative care and treatment. Anyone aged above 21 years and above can make an AMD. It is a voluntary decision and nobody can make it on someone else's behalf. It can also be revoked. This Act is explicitly and categorically against euthanasia.

-- Definitions are taken from today's Sunday Times.

At first i was for euthanasia, as i didn't really think living longer might be a good solution. We might have done everything we wanted to do and we have nothing else that we want to do... :s ... Okay.. i think i want to take back my previous statement. I don't believe that most people would have done everything that they wanted to do before they die. For those who don't want to live longer, they must have gotten tired of living. Maybe we need to try to help them find a personal reason as to why they should have the will to keep living... Although euthanasia is a really easy and quick way out, as there will be less problems for the patients, the people close to them, the people taking care after them. But... I think i'm not in any position to judge since i'm not in any of their shoes.. :s ok... just sharing my two-cents worth.. or maybe less than that.. :/

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