Monday, October 11, 2010


Location: One Caramel
This decorations were on top of the thickest cake that I have even seen in person..

Location: Ritz Apple Strudel (Bugis)
First time that I have ever eaten such a big slice of apple strudel... Nice :o

Location: Suntec City (Basement)
I wanted to take a photo of myself drinking from this big can, but the kids beat me to it.. :/

Location: Sembawang
I went to take a short walk after finishing the school stuff that I planned to finish today.
Like the breeze.. Like the kite in the sky.. Like the people doing their own things in the small park.. Like the relaxation..

Location: Hard Rock Cafe
We sort of celebrated Kel's bday at this place. Got her a carrot cake and ladybug cupcake from Ion :o

Need to remember to gather my arsenal (mental) for this week's battle.. I wanna win :o


Can't wait for my birthday next year... haha.. Just a feeling..


Ohh.. And for a long period of time, my choice of death (if i were to die) is to be struck by a lightning. But recently, I want to die while I am helping people. Not that I want to die if I help others la. But if I were to die, I wish that I am helping someone at that moment. David suggested this perfect situation for me to die in. It goes like this... while I am helping this old lady to pick her rolling oranges from the road, this lightning will strike me, and I can get run over by a passing vehicle.... :6


Anonymous said...

Why struck by lightning? It would be quite painful isn't it? Passing off peacefully during sleeping is better isn't it? :)

宅男 - 国容 said...

hmmmm.. would really like to see the consequences of getting struck by a lightning. If I do survive after the hit, I wanna see whether I would obtain any powers or whether my genes will be altered and somehow my physical or mental capabilities will exceed their previous limits...? :/

Me me me!! said...

Then you will be the next action hero lor .. haha

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