Thursday, June 26, 2008

love subject

While waiting for ck, Jonathan and me walked from city hall to clarke quay and back to city hall again :/ It's partly because we didn't know where to go for dinner.
Then we finally decided to go to (New York) *2 for dinner.

Thanks to them for the super belated dinner treat :p I don't know why but i was kinda happy because of their treat... Maybe it was because i'm kinda broke :p haha...
Thanks to jonathan for this poster too :o

I forgot where i heard this phrase from.. " You only love someone when you can't live without him/her, instead of being able to live with him/her." ... I forgot the actual sentence structure... :/ But it's something like this. I was wondering... what if someone is very independent? Does that mean he/she would not be able to find someone he/she love? ... But, i guess it doesn't necessarily mean this way... because love is subjective.. (#_#)

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