Sunday, June 1, 2008

customer isn't always right

I was helping out at my mom's shop when i suddenly thought about this. We all expect good customer service... ermmm... ok.. not everybody wants good customer service.. but that's only the minority. Anyway, i was going to say that i feel that a lot of people have been taking good service for granted. I'm not complaining because my tips at my workplace has been very low :p But it's just that... maybe to me, i feel that they don't appreciate the effort that most or some of the service staff, and also all the hawkers, retailers, cashiers, etc... put in. They don't smile back and they don't say thanks and some of them even show bad attitudes... Maybe i'm asking too much le ba... :p But i have to say most of these people are Singaporeans :s Most of the people who show their appreciation for good service are non singaporeans and tourists.. Hmmm.. I think more singaporeans should teach their kids in this aspect. It would be most useful if they could set an example for them. ... ... I don't think i can change the situation in any bit by saying these few words... sian... :/
(this person isn't my mom :o)

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