Friday, June 6, 2008

happy ramblings

In life, i believe what we want most is for ourselves to be happy. Some find happiness (being in)/having love, some find it through having spending/having lots of money, some find it through the success at work, some find it through good interpersonal relationships. I think it's alright to try your best to achieve your objective, but you mustn't hurt anyone or hurt yourself in the process, mentally or physically.

Everytime, when we try to do things to make somebody happy(normally that somebody is someone we like :p ), i think we're only trying to make ourselves happy indirectly. So, whenever anybody says that they're being very 伟大 by doing things for the person they like/love, of if they feel that they feel 委屈, i feel that they don't really like/love that person.... Or maybe they just like to say big words..?

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