Tuesday, June 24, 2008

final destination

I can't believe that i teared a bit when i was watching "Get Smart". The 2 main leads were kissing and i just felt touched. I think my tear ducts are a bit damaged.. :s

Anyway, while i was sitting on the bus, which was surprisingly a non air-con one, to school today, there was this girl, sitting at the side, who had long hair and had her back facing the window. Then i had this thought that her hair might get caught in the passing vehicles and she might get pulled along or her hair might be torn out of her head... :s Then this reminded me of some of the other times that i had these weird thoughts :p
  • slipping on the wet floor and knocking one's head against the toilet seat or something hard
  • earrings or studs getting caught in hair/clothings which passes by
  • accidentally getting stapled by a stapler :s
... I can't come up with more ways...shall write another entry when i've got more ideas ba... :p

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