Thursday, August 13, 2009


Sometimes, some people are unable to communicate clearly their intent to others... and this will cause frustration for the communicator and the communicatee.

To solve this problem, i will now pass on this teaching from destiny.... :p
  1. Centre yourself - Notice your breath
  2. Pose this question in your mind - "What is my intent?"
  3. Listen out for its reply
  4. Centre yourself again - Notice your breath
  5. Confirmation feeling comes
  6. Trust it, don't dismiss it.
Just keep this in your mind. Once you are very sure of your own intentions, it will be quite difficult to get the wrong meaning across.

In case the communicatee still misunderstands the communicator, the latter could still try to explain it to the communicatee again. If it fails, it is okay. You have tried your best. Others cannot control what you think/say/do, and likewise, others cannot control you too. 听者有意 (You see what you want to see). You can only accept it.. and then let go and move on. There is a time for everything and everything happens for a reason.

All these are just suggestions... But you are still the one who decides what to do. If you feel good doing something, just keep doing it. If you change your mind and you start feeling bad about something, just stop doing it.

It is okay to be yourself. Nothing is right or wrong. If you don't like yourself to be like this, just change it. Don't just worry and think about changing. Do it. If it is difficult, you can either keep trying, or you can just stop trying to change and accept yourself for who you are. Rest for a while and if you still don't like yourself like that, you can continue to work towards a different you.

There is no such thing as normal and abnormal. Being different does not mean that you are abnormal. Being the same as majority of the people does not mean that you are normal....

It is okay to be who you are..


-| sm |- said...

what if others don't accept you as who you are?

宅男 - 国容 said...

then you have to accept that they don't accept you... keep in mind that you cannot force others to accept you.. you cannot force them to change their thinking about you... There will be people who accept you.. there will be people who don't accept you...

but in the first place, did they say that they don't accept you? or is it you who think that they don't accept you? ...

hmmm... I feel that everyone will eventually accept everyone around them for who they are... in the first place, everyone should be who they are, in order for everyone else to know them, to accept them... If at the start, you are not being who you are, they would not know who you are...

.. The main thing is.. you have to accept yourself so that you would be free to be yourself... then, other people would begin to accept you..

宅男 - 国容 said...

.... upon reading my reply.. i feel that i'm super naggy :p

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