Saturday, April 10, 2010


Possible location for the next two years...



I saw these posters stuck to a few lockers at ADM.

The above poster gave me an idea to start something similar.. perhaps... the sharing of good thoughts?

"This website/facebook group is for anyone to post and share the good thoughts that they have in their heads. Sometimes we may have a few ideas that can spread the good in the world, but there is a lack of action. By sharing them, others who have a lack of ideas, can and may act on them."

Is this a good idea? .... I feel that it is... :p
I don't know whether there is such a website though...

(STG= spread the good) or (SGT= share good thoughts) or (SOG= sharing of goodness)? ... :/


I saw this board outside Hall 2 and I thought it was rather funny... :p

This particular note made me laugh.. :p


I felt kinda enlightened after a chat with titus and daryl over a topic that involves the reading of eight characters. Everybody has different capabilities and we do not have to put in the maximal effort to achieve results in whatever we are more capable of.
It is possible for us to achieve all that we want.... It's just that, for those aspects that we are not capable in, we will have to put in more effort.

I feel like knowing and understanding my capabilities so that I can utilize them to allow my life to be smoother... But while having a lack of that knowledge, I must remember that.. life can offer us a lot of situations, and it is how we view and handle them, that matters.

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