Friday, April 2, 2010

look validation

Was watching episode 17 of season four of ugly betty, and it mentioned some points...

1) Does being not that aesthetically pleasing make you a more compassionate person?
2) Does being handsome/pretty make you more of a bitch/bastard?

I've always thought that being... unattractive can make a person better in the heart as there will be a lot of opportunities for his/her heart to be tested.

Especially during my secondary and junior college days, I was kinda unappealing in the size and looks department. I did feel sad at times when I couldn't get the things I wanted and so I had to be glad with whatever I had and sometimes I will just make up reasons to console myself
most of the time... :6 like, if I was "bullied", I would tell myself that at least people are giving me attention. And another good thing was that, since I wasn't clever or talented or good-looking, I tried to excel in being nice and good.

It was kinda sad to think about that as there were times when I thought that I was short-changing myself. But come to think of it now.... whatever that works for me, right?

Overall... I'm glad that those experiences helped in making me a better person.

student exchange organized by the welfare club in 2003



Take note that there are always exceptions to everything though..


Justin meowmeow said...

I wish I could be convinced that good looks are not impt. BUT.. in our world, its not the case. I told you, with good look, u already have half of the world.

Love: you can find love MUCH EASIER than ugly pple
$$$: With look, be model or air stewards can help much more $$$
Likeness: People tend to treat u better cos u are gorgeous.
Friendship: you can make friends MUCH EASIER than ugly people.

Good look rulez. :(

宅男 - 国容 said...

yeah... for a while ba... coz good looks don't last..
when the good looks are gone, people can easily see what's inside you and choose whether to still treat you the same as before..

having good looks is almost the same as being born with a silver spoon.. having money rules too :o ...but it's up to yourself to feel contented with what you have...

for good-looking ppl, they may encounter more people who will love them readily.. but will the love still be there when the good looks fade?
will ppl still treat them as good as before?
will the friends they make, still be there?

will they themselves, be used to the treatment they get when their looks fade?

i believe a good heart can last much much longer than good looks..

good heart rules much more. :)
... :p

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