Wednesday, August 13, 2008

sensing happiness

If you can smell/ feel/ see/ hear/ taste happiness, what would it be?

I hope that everyone of you can leave a comment on the blog instead of the tagboard, answering the question that i post above... ok? You can also ask your friends for their answers and put it in the comments section, but if it's too troublesome, then it's ok... :p Thanks :o I'm just curious to find out what are the different answers i can see... It's ok if there's no answers for certain parts.

Just a rough guide here... For me, it's
  • Smelling the smell of warm freshly-made bread
  • Feeling the warmth of a person next to me when i'm very cold
  • ... this is a hard one... see..... Love! i'm happy when i see love. no matter where it is... :p
  • Hearing genuine laughter of people, especially children
  • Having the first taste of sweet chocolates/ cakes when i'm hungry


Shannie said...

If we can smell happiness, it should be a very sweet smell. anw, i like your example of feeling the warmth of a person next to you when you are very cold. awww very sweet!

宅男 - 国容 said...

hey.. don't just comment leh... :p Can you share with me the different ways in which u can sense happiness?

Anonymous said...

If you can smell/ feel/ see/ hear/ taste happiness, what would it be?

Grr Should be doing tutorials. .but oh well here it is:

I like to . .
- smell the cool,fresh air of a carefree morning.(i.e start of holidays)
-Feeling cozy and all under the blankets on a rainy,carefree day. .
-See a neat,redecorated bedroom.
-Hear genuine compliments about my abilities,attributes,etc
-Taste a lover's soft lips on mine. ;)

Han said...

When I take in the scent of the fresh morning breeze.
/Happy that I'm still around for a brand new day. The smell of life.

When I feast on a dish specially prepared for me with love.
/Nothing pleases tastebuds better than food cooked with love. The taste of warmth.

When I embrace her tightly in my arms.
/The reassurance of us having time with each other. The sense of togetherness.

When I notice a smile escape from her lips.
/Knowing she's genuinely happy. The sight of sincere affection.

When I hear her tell me just how much I mean to her.
/Makes everything worthwhile.
The sound of heartfelt devotion.

sereneannabelle said...

just passing by! (ignore my blogger blog. the link's at serenemai.wordpress)

was pretty intrigued by your blog title..

i guess, happiness is simply feeling contented with what you have in your life. There's no point wondering how and when to be happy until you can change your perspective in life and be grateful for whatever you have now (coz there are always people who are less fortunate than us). On the other hand....

happiness is being able to laugh and enjoy the company of loved ones. :) and the smell of freshly baked cakes and freshly brewed COFFEE! :):)

oh and btw, can i link you?

宅男 - 国容 said...

ok ba..

SeriousTayrius said...

If you can smell/ feel/ see/ hear/ taste happiness, what would it be?

I hope to see my partner's sleepy eyes greeting me good morning =)accompanied by children's laughter nearby my house, at the same time, karang guni's "popopo" sound.

Very rural way of life? yeah, thats what i enjoy most =))

Timmy said...
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宅男 - 国容 said...

to serious tayrius: haha... for a while there, i was wondering why you like to listen to the farting of the karung guni... :p

Shannie said...

ops sorry, i guess i didnt read what you wanted clearly. no need so fierce leh! LOLS.

happiness is looking at my grandparents walking around in the park, hand in hand, looking lovingly at each other though they have been tgt for a very long time.

happiness is the smell of chocolates or cookies when you are down.

happiness is looking at the pleased look of your parents/grandparents when you finally graduated from school.

happiness is listening to your friends talking about how happy they were.

happiness is to be able to meet up with your besties for a dinner, just to catch up.

happiness is when your loved one offers a shoulder when you are down or tired.

happiness is when you have recognition for the work that you have done.

happiness is to be able to stop for awhile to breathe deeply and relaxed.

happiness is to be able to spread happiness around. (eg doing charity work, consoling someone.)

happiness is when you have someone who is there for you 24/7, willing to pamper you.

happiness is when you are able to view the nice scenery around you.

last but not least, happiness only happens when your loved ones are happy.

宅男 - 国容 said...

wow :o so many... .. :p

Shannie said...

i am easily contented. maybe happiness is to know how to count our blessings?!?

YellowBananaBoy said...

If you can smell/ feel/ see/ hear/ taste happiness, what would it be?

Well hehe demanding boi here you go...
Smelling my fav perfumes
Feeling the warmth when someone close is next to me
Seeing photos of smiles of someone close and me being captured
Hearing honest and sincere words from someone close
Tasting a shared food with someone close

Anonymous said...

hey there, jonathan here

if i can smell, feel, see hear and taste happiness, what would it be...

i guess,
I would
-smell the cool fresh air that comes before a rain or thunderstorm, reassuring that the day would not be as gloomy as it seems.
-feel the love i have for my friends and family around me.
-see lots and lots of plants and trees around me.
-hear the rustle of leaves in the wind.
-taste the freedom that tells me that tutorials are finally done for the time being.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

the smell of freshly made waffles
the feeling under warm blankets on a gloomy rainy day
the sight of an elderly couple walking hand in hand
the sound of your favourite song playing on the radio
the taste of homecooked food

Anonymous said...

the sound of the waves crashing by the shore, laughter, a banjo maybe HAHA, the scent of musk, the feeling and sound of cold rain on the skin, someone's words of comfort, the sight of a horizon, a full moon, bright lights, colours, everything all mixed into one, etc etc. happiness is being able to appreciate everything and anything our body takes in and savouring that moment(:

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