Saturday, April 17, 2010

real-life inspiring teaching stories

Story of Wesley

At that point of time, it was 12-14 in this badminton match. The primary school that Wesley was from, needed to win this match so that it could get into the top four of its zone. So he had to score another two points in order to score a deuce. ... Then, he managed to score a point! As the referee was announcing the win of this point, Wesley interrupted and told him that his win was a foul one as his racket hit the shuttlecock twice... The parents cheered for him and the referee acknowledged his courage and honesty.

Story of the Son

The father was teaching his son how to ride a two wheel bicycle. He fell down a few times. But finally, he managed to ride the bike safely down the slope and along the path and around his father. Then he stopped, and with his face beaming like a little sun, he gave two thumbs up to his dad.


This seminar inspired me.... and reminded me that I can try to use different ways to handle difficult kids...

I'll use another method next week :o


Max said...

Wow, u sure are fast posting this.
Aren't u supposed to be finishing up your fyp?
Oh, I just sent a friend request on fb!
And was really surprised u were so direct in asking that. Haha.

chrissy said...

mei you ru guo - a very nice song and am quite surprised that a guy would actually appreciate this song. happened to chance upon ur blog. u have a great personality! =)

宅男 - 国容 said...

Max: i blogged to get myself in the mood of writing the report just now... :s
k la... i try to be straightforward...? .. have a good day :o

chrissy: The music and tune appealed to me at the start.. I didn't really notice the lyrics until recently, and realized that they were quite meaningful too..
hmmm.. thank you thank you.. sometimes i try..

Alfred Yeo said...

The Story of Wesley moved me to tears....I dun think adults have as much integrity & honesty as little Wesley.. even though we considered ourselves as highly educated....

宅男 - 国容 said...

wowz... I didn't realize that story was so impactful...

Think MOE realize that pe teachers can help to pass on the right values (e.g. sportsmanship, fairness, integrity, etc.) to singaporeans when they are young, so it is focusing on training primary school pe teachers now.. :8

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