Thursday, July 3, 2008


Actually, life has many cycles. At some point of time, one cycle would end and another would begin. The same situation will happen for a few times. We might or might not be able to control the situation, but when it comes, the difference in the results and conclusion, would be how we view the situation and how we handle it. I'll always try to avoid handling the situation in any way (that leads to me feeling unhappy in the end) and try to see whether can i view the whole thing in a different way. It's something like, trying not to commit the same mistake again... It's actually not a mistake, but a lesson to me. This is only a method that i use, but there's lots of other ways... i think :p
Good day to everyone :o


Anonymous said...

四它: 面对它, 接受它, 处理它, 放下它.
面对它: 正视困境的存在, 不自欺欺人
接受它: 接受困境的事实, 不怨天尤人
处理它: 用智慧处理事情, 以慈悲对待他人
放下它: 尽心尽力就好, 不计成败得失


宅男 - 国容 said...

agree :o

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