Saturday, July 12, 2008

who wants a fish for 1 dollar...

I went to Ikea with kh yesterday :o

Notice the picture above...

It's actually flat.
While searching for a table at the cafe at Ikea, we came across this and we were a bit excited because it's the first time we were experiencing it firsthand :p
.... This dish isn't as good as i remembered it to be... Maybe it's the company... :p haha..
Back to globalsounds cafe again :p

I'm beginning to think that actually... all of us loves ourselves more than we love anybody/anything else, and that only few dare to admit it. Is everyone as selfish as i think? ( shaun ah... to me, selfish means caring more for ourselves instead of caring more for others... and i think all of us, or most of us just care more for ourselves..)... ...I'm happy that i don't believe 100% of what i just said... :p

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