Sunday, July 6, 2008


:s I just reached home after my work ended, and i'm... quite tired now because i didn't have enough sleep since yesterday. I went for this senior's camp in school on friday. And i spent the whole night outside until 4 am till i went home... for 2 nights :s But i was at global sounds cafe for both nights :p I went to meet a friend to celebrate his birthday yesterday evening.

Doesn't jr look so cute here... :p

Ta-dah :o First appearance of my new hairstyle on my blog.

Oh ya... I forgot that i went to the bazaar at red dot museum at tanjong pagar yesterday :p

There was this thing where we could have our portraits drawn by a council of artists. We would just have to sit there for 8-10 mins and the portraits would be done. And we could choose the one we like and pay $8 for it. Everybody has their own style of drawing. There was the oil painting version, cute version, abstract version, etc... I didn't have mine done because i would have to wait an hour for my turn :/

I want to have my portrait drawn the next time :o ... Anyway, the bazaar takes place on the first saturday and sunday of every month and the portrait thingy.. i think it only takes place on the first saturday.

Jeremy's bday :o

Another night at global sounds cafe :p

You are who i think you are, i am who i think i am... but... right think i? ... (not pointing to any particular person k, but it's just questioning everybody's perception of everyone, including themselves...)

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