Wednesday, July 9, 2008

random reflections

After you have eaten, most of your energy will be used to digest your food. Then you'll have lesser energy to do other stuff, e.g. running, giving tuition.. I just proved this today :/

Today, suddenly, i have this urge to go Ikea... to eat at their cafe.

I got this from a powerpoint presentation that my friend sent me.. "It's easier to put slippers on your feet than try to carpet the whole Earth."

Hmmm... One of my tuition kids had some trouble in school today. It was because some other kid was showing him this stupid attitude that he did something to her... :p I tried to teach him to ignore other people's nonsense but i didn't think it got through his brain... Do our brains grow on their own, meaning... e.g at this age, we would automatically have this piece of knowledge.. at that age, we would automatically have that piece of knowledge..? Or do our brains grow with experience? ... I believe it's the latter. I used to be quite irritated with my dad when he says i should knowhow to do this, how to do that even without people teaching me... Maybe he expected me to pay attention to my surroundings ba.. .. Maybe this is a different case.. Anyway, i would just like to say that, when people handle situations in an inappropriate way, meaning unintentionally causing mental or physical hurt to others, i think it's because they haven't experience these kind of situations before and their EQ might not be high enough.

Tuition time = self reflection time :p

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