Saturday, May 1, 2010

what i learned

haha.. :p

2 more exams and 1 fyp presentation left :o

... Anybody have any job lobangs? something that can last me from mid may till august? something that pays more than 7 or 8 dollars per hour?

-remembered that, most of the time, it is addictive to feel depressed.. you don't feel like you wanna come out when you're already comfortable submerged in it.. Although it will be hard to try to climb out of the depression, the good feeling that follows, is worth it. It is better to feel better, then to feel comfortably depressed.

-remembered that,
that most promises will hurt people... They are just words. Actions make the difference.

-remembered that,
when you get attached to stuff, parts of you just get carried away as the stuff goes away.. Just choose to detach yourself from the run-away stuff, and claim back your parts and be whole again.

-remembered that,
it is a waste of time worrying and complaining and thinking of how bad the situation is... Just go solve it. If it cannot be solved.. since it cannot be solved, accept it and move on to another thing.

-remembered that,
since you don't know what other people are thinking, you don't have to waste time to try to read their minds. Either you go ask them and believe what they say, or just, don't care and carry on with your own business.

-remembered that,
for everything and everything and everything.. you have the power to choose what you want.


friends friend said...

good luck for ur papers and presentation!!!

Domon said...

Hey, jiayou for your finals! I think I saw u today at canteen 14, Sunday also come back sch study sia? Haha, jiayou jiayou!

宅男 - 国容 said...

hey, thank you :o

domon: next time wave when you see me ba..... ... haha...

friendsfriend said...

jia you! when is your last day of exams?

宅男 - 国容 said...

this thurs :o

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