Wednesday, May 12, 2010

chic assassin

I'm fine le... haha..


Yesterday, I asked ll for advice for dnd attire and he suggested a chic look... Can't wait to get it assembled :o


Recently, I can't really post much things on my blog because I'm worried that my assassins will take advantage of the information :s Since Monday, I've been playing this game called streetwars. My team mates and me are not really active yet because..... we're not ready yet... haha.. Yep.. It will be soon though, before we take actions to kill our target..... Wa ha ha ha :o ... :6


been seeing quite a lot of poems that my friends have came into contact with recently... so decided to come up with this poem to join in the fun...

"as the birds start to chirp,
and the moon goes to rest
i am still wide awake
still trying to believe the luck i have
it was as though it was yesterday
when i was crying alone in my corner
now, things are totally different
because now, there's you

and i have to be cold no longer"

edited: .... i'm actually quite amazed by my poetry-making skills... haha... :p

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