Monday, May 10, 2010


On the last day of exam, near the tuition centre where i gave tuition, I saw this scene.

Bird A was on top of Bird B and it was flapping its wings furiously. At first, I thought that it was sad that its family member had died and it was trying to wake him/her up.

But later I saw the the two birds around the dead bird, were taking turns to peck at the dead bird's head... :s I was a bit fascinated by the scene though...


A hair-cut and a swim gave me back some of my confidence :o


Sab and me gave out carnations at Junction 8 and Sembawang Shopping Centre today. We were told to pass the free carnations and cards to moms and they had a choice of letting their children to fill in some personal details and why they love their moms, and for every cards being filled up and returned to the customer service counter, Capitaland will donate one dollar to the underprivileged children. There were a few skeptical people who just refused to entertain us as they thought that they had to pay money for the carnations :/
Anyway, from the two places where we worked at, on the average, we deduced that the people at Sembawang are friendlier :o

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