Thursday, May 27, 2010

goody news!

I've graduated!! ... Although with a lousy GPA... But I've graduated!! ... :p

And apart from this news, I've also just received an sms from some person from MOE...
"We're pleased to make you a provisional offer of a teaching position, subject to you meeting prevailing conditions for appointment. We will be sending you a Letter of Offer via post in 2-3 weeks' time. Thanks."

I'm still not quite sure whether this will allow me to start studying at NIE this September... But, I guess I shall just take it that I will be... :)

yeah! .. haha.. :p

Next thing to be waiting for affirmation... my part time job :o


Max said...

Wow, congrats !
Have to say I am kinda jealous though.. haha. but yea, all the best man, be a good teacher =p

wEn said...

Congrats ! ^-^v

-| sm |- said...

congrats! :)

宅男 - 国容 said...

Thank you :o

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