Tuesday, March 6, 2012

starry expectations

When disagreements occurs.. if the involved parties want solutions, there may be difficulties in telling the involved parties to change or reduce their expectations. But how can we increase the success rate?

  • Cool off time - Because some people are irrational when they are emotional, and some may say words which they do not mean..
  • remind themselves of the BIGGER PICTURE, why they have chosen to be involved at the start
  • remind them that nothing will be achieved if everyone only thinks of themselves

Expectations are everywhere.. But some are too high for some to reach.. In the end, we just have to ask ourselves what is more important. Our expectations, or the other person/s?




Saw this pile of cigarettes at one of the rubbish bins at Raffles Place. The office people must be damn stressed.. haha..




A photo of us at Turi beach, Batam.

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