Friday, March 16, 2012

get more points

There are some people who say hurtful words which they don't mean. You just got to learn to filter those words out, and stay calm so as not to aggravate the situation. Most of the time, they would have regretted that those words came out of their mouths.


Slacktivism... David introduced this word to me, telling me that this word somehow reminds him of me. This word actually means doing pointless activities to help in a good cause.. :s I questioned him about this and he exclaimed that he don't know why this word reminded him of me :/

But it got me thinking as to whether the things i am going to do, are pointless. Think I will start to be more aware about this aspect..


There is this recent and reoccurring issue. I remembered that I like being close with friends but I do not socialize well. I think it is because I am quite serious and I don't really know how to crap well. My friend mentioned that I am quite socially-inept.. I was thinking that the first two points which i mentioned, was contradictory. Now, I know it is not. It is something like, I know how to eat my cereal and milk, but i use my hands instead of using a spoon.


I am hungry now... :s

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