Friday, October 21, 2011

tidying up my thoughts

For a long time, I believe that true love does not last forever and promises cannot be kept. This is why I have never expected anyone to promise a love that is forever.

Is it really that negative? I thought that I am just being cynical..

Then my good friend told me that she and her husband did not promise to love each other forever, except only during the vows. Instead, they promised not to let each other down forever... I think I'm going to use this, the next time I enter a relationship.

Am I really negative? :s


My last assignment deadline for this semester would be next Friday :o After that, I will be left with two tests and the semester will be over soon... yay!! haha... I think I can attribute the amount of happiness, to the length of my hair.... Seriously!! Or maybe it's just a coincidence.... Or is it a coincidence? .. :8


I like to tidy up my room and stuff... but they are not tidy!! :s


wEn said...

maybe like what people say.. promises are meant to be broken ? lols.

宅男 - 国容 said...

:/ i just think that promises are meant to be kept.

wEn said...

haha. yea, but hard to find ppl that will keep their promises now. =/ if only everyone think that promises are meant to be kept and not just empty promises, maybe there won't be so much disappointment.

宅男 - 国容 said...

hmmm.. i think it's because most ppl don't know that they will change their minds.. :s Happy Diwali :o

wEn said...

haha. humans are fickle minded i guess ? some will even forget they made that promise before ! happy diwali too. another additional day of holiday. hahas.

iamafatloser said...

I think promises are sacred and are meant to be kept. if we are unsure that we are capable of keeping one, maybe we should not make it just anyhow i guess, only to bring false hopes for others. But there again, sometimes promises are forced out from us by people important to us, at least at some point of time.

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