Wednesday, June 23, 2010

upgrade for the day :o

"NW CDC is about bridging the gap between the rich and the poor. Let's say that there is this situation of someone poor living to someone rich. NW CDC will provide a platform whereby the poor person will not get jealous of the rich person and scratch their car. The same platform will also reduce or prevent cases whereby the rich will despise the poor...

It acts as a facilitator. An example is that it may match dollar for dollar from a sponsor but it will just say that the donation is wholly from the sponsor...

A lot of people are entitlement-minded. If the government gives help, most locals will think it's an entitlement. But if the help is given from others, such as private organizations, they will appreciate it a lot more..."

My whine was answered :o A few days back, I was lamenting that I will be rotting my life away at my temporary job. Then today, the GM called the temps into the office and had a short chat with us. She did not talk to us about how we can help the CDC. She talked to us about how we can make this period a more fulfilling and meaningful one.

Our efforts may not be wasted because of the remuneration, but we should be careful not to waste our time :o

  1. Be more gumptious
  2. Be more inquisitive

... Shall return to my work now :s


Max said...

Lol, u can actually blog during work? And I just realised you are working at Civic Centre.. read your blog but didn't realise till now that you worked there.. a retard sia.. haha.. so do temps work in the back office? What do u do there ?

宅男 - 国容 said...

hmmm... I'm a temp staff over there.. being placed in the Projects Team..
I just do administrative stuff over there.. The work is not really challenging.. and heng also la.. coz the learning curve would be super steep and given the time that we, temp staff, have there.. the time will not be enough...

I blogged during my lunch break :o

Max said...

hmm, the time on your entry says 10.33am? lunch that early arh.. u sure u not slacking? Lol..

宅男 - 国容 said...

I guess I may be taking a break in between my tasks... :8

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