Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Having returned to army life (sort- of) for the past two days, i remembered a bit of my early life before i ord-ed. I didn't dare to voice out my views... was afraid that my views were stupid and lame. It was only in the later part of my life when I was more confident of who I was, and had a more defined role for myself.
In the past, I was a sniper so I didn't have to be responsible for any men except that we had a PC to answer to. In my reservist life, I was pushed into unchartered territories because the army wants me to lead men :s And as there are quite a number of section commanders, I have more reasons to be useless... :s ... anyway.. I guess as time passes, when my role over there is more fixed, things will be better..


I wanna drink lemonade instead of biting on lemons :o


LQ said...

squeeze the lemon and add some sugar + water then u will have lemonade le lor

Anonymous said...

A piece of advice: Its ok to voice your view. Sometimes, its ok to voice our views and even if it makes you look stupid, its ok. Cause you stand corrected and you learn from there. Knowest that stupidity is but the key ingredient to smartness. Trust me, I came from there as well, and often return to that point to learn something new. =)

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