Thursday, October 29, 2009

happy dump

Sometimes, loneliness can strike even more harshly when you're around people you know.. It's the feeling of being around them, and, realizing that you're not with them.

If i want something, I'll give it to someone else.. This way, I'll know that i have it... Hmmm... An example would be that, if I want company, I'll give my company to someone. Or if I want attention/care and concern, I'll shower someone else with attention/care and concern... Or if I want love, I'll shower someone with my love..
You have to have something before you can give it away :o

haha... I was just doing some thinking on the train, and realized that.. Some time during the start of this year, I began to have this mind set. Whatever that happens to me, I'll take it that it is what i wanted for myself. So that I will become the person I want to be. E.g. when i have to wait a long time for my transport, when relationships or friendships are in trouble, and how I react to them, etc....

Anyway, this video was taken one or two years back... If I remembered correctly, I think this happened after I told mj or jr to wake me up if I fall asleep during any lecture.. :p

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

frozen turkey

I will have to go cold turkey, for bleach. Otherwise, I will not be able to get much things done... :s

I was quite shocked when I saw on the NS portal that I only have to run under 10.41 mins to get a grade A for my 2.4km for IPPT. I was happy for a while before i saw at the bottom that, I have to run under 10.00 mins to get gold for IPPT... :s

Monday, October 26, 2009

nothing better than you

Sunday, October 25, 2009

beachy pig

This is the ball of sand that i constructed, to try to hit the other sand targets which are shown in the photo after the next one.


I think it's quite fun... :p Think.. the next time i go to the beach, i'll bring a frisbee along..

The bodies of the roast pigs almost had david puking his dunch out... haha..

... I'm worried... Shall talk to her for a while later..

Thursday, October 22, 2009

birds of a feather

Seriously... It rocks to have answers before attending tutorials. I can spend more effort to understand what the teacher is teaching, instead of always frantically trying to copy down all the answers before the slides and transparencies are taken away. ... It's never too late :o ... :p

Anyway, jon just showed me this today and it cheered me up immediately!

It seems that mcdonald's just started this gimmick today. I don't think I'll start to eat mac in school though.... But, the prizes are quite attractive.... :s ... dilemma....

Thank you :o

a joke to share before i go off to study for my quiz..

Qn: What should you do if a blonde throws a pin at you?

Ans: Run like hell. She's got a grenade in her mouth... :p

(credits to mj)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

pig feed

hmmm... Let me recall...
  1. $4 worth of 芝麻鸡
  2. 1 raisin custard-like bun
  3. 1 bun with potato and cheese
  4. main dinner which consists of rice, veg and bak kut.. a lot of bak kut.. :s
... yeah.. I thought I ate a lot for dinner..


-quoted from andy's blog again... :6


When a relationship goes sour, we sometimes try to salvage it or attempt to "get things back to where it used to be". Some of our efforts may work to a degree, while others only succeeded in prolonging the final throes of something that is already terminally ill.

But how do we know if a relationship is worth fighting for? Will it do both parties more harm in the long run by mounting a protracted and misguided rescue operation?

Some points for consideration:

Is your partner still in love or still interested in pursuing the relationship? Sometimes when we lose a love, we tend to dwell on what used to be, not on what the relationship is currently about. Of course it was good in the beginning, but that stage of the relationship is not always an accurate measure. It is bes to look at what is currently happening and evaluate how or why the situation is the way it is. Are you in love with a memory? Are you clinging to the relationship because you are afraid of being alone?

No matter how hard it may be for you initially, if you do break up, the hurt wil go away There may be a lot of pain, resentment and jealousy right now; but if you are willing to move forward, it will pass. Ask yourself, "Do I really want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with me?" Imagine what a mutually loving relationship with someone should feel like. Is it what you have now? If not, do you really want to stay and pass up the chance to find a more relevant love?

Are you staying in this relationship for reasons other than love? Some people, knowingly or unknowingly, stay in a relationship for the wong reasons, such as having a roof over their heads, having their bills paid, being afraid of being alone or other reasons. If this is you, you must realise that co-dependent relationships will not work. If you really want to lead a fulfilling life, take the steps to become self-sufficient.

Are you assuming what your partner is or is not feeling? Sometimes out "inner voices" tell us things that are not true. If a lot of the tension in your relationship is due to suspicion, speculation and second-guessing, try talking things through openly with your partner. Open communication is the only way to resolve these issues and is a necessary part of a loving relationship.

Once you have seriously considered the above, you should have a pretty good idea where your relationship is headed. Remember, the end of a relationship is not the end of life. If you are not happy and you are quite sure things are not going to work out, it is time to move forward.

Adapted from Slice of Life"

Monday, October 19, 2009

heartbreak hotel

-quoted from andy's blog

"For many of us, heartbreak is almost a rite of a passage. Relationships are complex and delicate things that most people do not get right the first time.

When someone we love wants to leave us, we typically go through these emotional stages - at first we may want to focus on the behaviour and feel victimised by a betrayal or lies. We may go through many stages like anger, revenge, guilt, violence, depression or jealousy. We might even feel unattractive, sexually inadequate, boring or stupid, all of which self-blaming.

If we peel away the layers and keep asking ourselves where the pain is coming from, we will find that it is not the opinion of the other person that causes the pain. Rather, it is our acceptance of the opinion. People do not give you love, and they do not take love away from you. You choose the degree of flow between yourself and another.

The other great misunderstanding is the belief in a one and only. The idea that love is only real or valid when it is a partnership relationship is very, very limited and downright damaging. We become tunnel-visioned and grossly restricted in a belief that there is only one person or one love available to us. Not only do we expect all of our love to come from only one person, we also expect that they must love us exclusively and forever.

Also, we accept that change is an unavoidable fact of life, but we still insist that love will never change. We insist on an impossible promise and self-destruct when the promise is broken. When friends move on we accept it because we did not have unrealistic expectations to begin with. Our children grow up and move on and we encourage it; we do not take it a a betrayal nor no we interpret it as rejection of ourselves.

One person' ability or inability to love you does not make you any more or any less than you are. Your value as a lovable and worthwhile person is not determined by the opinion of only one other person. Your supply of love, and your ability to love, is not in the control of another person.

Only love can replenish love, and even if you feel you are faking it at first, it is most important to get back your flow. Be loving with yourself, treat yourself the way your ex-partner should have treated you, and treat yourself the way you wanted to treat your ex-partner.

Do not forget the love you share with family and friends, and allow that to expand. Stretch loving moments and experiences; give and take compliments and kindnesses; imbible beauty and extend pleasure. Recall your energy and bring it back into yourself. If you really do believe there is only one love for you and you are capable of loving only that one person forever, then make that one person yourself."

drama mama

Sometimes, we like to create drama for ourselves.. in our own minds and/or in real life.

It's okay.. There's no right or wrong. Everything happens for a reason.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

do your best

Doing your best means doing your best with maximum effort and available resources. It cannot be compared with others' best. Be satisfied that you are. Don't be sad because the results of your best are not comparable to what others achieved.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


We don't want to see and we don't want others to see what we don't like to see.

And what we like to see, we want to see more of... :p

Sunday, October 11, 2009

primary story

I didn't expect something like this from a primary school comprehension passage...

Is it better to let the young people know how reality works as soon as possible? or is it better for them to believe in fairy tales and happy endings till as late as possible?

I believe that there can be fairy-tale like and happy realities :o

words on diet

It does get a little discouraging when some people don't... "give weight" to my words.. no matter what the words are.... It may be due to the fact that I am crapping most of the time... :p
So, I'm super grateful for the times when people do listen to what I say :) No matter whether they are crap or about serious topics...

I can't wait till this semester is over... So that I would not have to give any thought to this semester's exams :o

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I J K L.....

I'm independent... :) ... :p

I'm happy with the way I think/feel :o

I had been believing that all hills go up and down and up and down....
Now I know... that there are hills that just go all the way up... :O

I like to make people feel better about everything and themselves :o

Nobody has the intention to hurt people around them. But there are times when people do get hurt by their actions/behaviors...
Should the "hurter" think about the implications before it acts? ... Or should the "hurtee" knows that the "hurter" did not do it intentionally, and accept it? .... :s


haha.. This morning when I woke up at around 6, there was quite a strong wind blowing and a slight drizzle began to fall. Quickly, I closed the windows in the living room and in my room. The weather was quite cold. I looked at my bed for a while and i just jumped onto it and snuggle in between my blanket, and just lied there... even though i was supposed to wake up at that time to be able to attend my morning classes... :p

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

cheese.... na.... pra.....mee.... pas.... :p

Finally, i entered some sort of a food eating competition.. :p There was this event in front of OCBC in sch, organized by our sch's radio people.. :p Anybody who could finish a cheeseburger in 40 seconds, would win a free pass to zouk, while the top 3 fastest people would be able to win ipod shuffles.
I finished my first one in 2 mins 3 secs :/ Apparently, it was more difficult than I thought. The burger was as dry as what my friend said. I wanted to leave the area to another place when this guy finished the burger in 47 secs.. in front of me.. :s I was more motivated and this other friend and I took on the challenge a second time. And... I got a timing of......... 1 min 34 secs... :p I thought it wasn't that bad because I really tried my best. But it was tough trying to swallow chunks of cheeseburger. Before i left, the top 3 timings were 43 secs, 47 secs and 58 secs... :s

And, I just concocted a new formula to induce diarrhoea. Within 6 hours of drinking luo han guo tea, you just have to drink a bottle of yakult. Within a few minutes... boomz! ... Better make sure that the toilet is clear of people before you try this at home or anywhere else :o

I really appreciate everything that has came into my life and those that are coming into my life. I have never wanted to take anything for granted. If anybody feel that I did, please know that i never mean to do so.

happy organic rice!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

the road not taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveller, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
-Robert Frost

The usual things I'll do at home to keep myself from studying.. facebooking and pigging out.. :s

Ohh... I just remembered something upon looking at the photo below. I managed to get to Toshiba Service Centre in time on Friday. I left school only at around 4 and i was afraid that i wouldn't make it in time as I had to reach there by 5.30. I just ran the moment i got off the bus. I ran and ran and ran.... and I managed to get there at 5.40pm. Lucky for me that, the staff attended to my repair request.... Anyway, the first photo of this entry was taken when i was leaving the service centre, while i was taking a short cut.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


I went to RP to do research for my elective project..

I remember that i prefer being in schools which have uniforms (poly versus JC). I forgot whether it is because I don't have much clothes or i thought most of my clothes were ugly or both of the above reasons... :s

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