yay :o
Finally, I am out of the shithole!! YEAHHHH!! ... .. .. okay, maybe i am still climbing out.. :s
I found out the type of shit that i stepped into.. the shit that caused me to be emo... *stupid shit*
One reason that I thought up of today, was that I've been struggling to feel comfy with my coursemates in school. I found and still find it difficult because I don't think they could accept me if I was myself. ... Wait, let me correct myself. I don't think they will like me if I was myself.. haha.. Guess it will take some time for them to warm up to me and vice versa..
Anyway, I am getting better after spending time with comfy friends. I realized that there was little possibilities of myself getting better if I kept spending time with myself :s
Recently, I think that close-ups look better than half-body or full-body photos :o
The above two photos were taken from a toa payoh hdb flat!!
If properly edited, I think the above photo is quite ad-worthy... i think.. :6
... These pictures does not have anything to do with the sentence at the top.. haha..
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