Some time back, after all that I have heard and seen, from other ppl's experiences, some from my own, I believe that my main aim in being a teacher would be imparting the proper values on to students. Good grades would be ranked a bit lower :6 (no offense to parents). But a friend asked me about the values which I considered as proper. It got me thinking.. I admit that my thinking is a tad different from the majority and I believe in taking the path less travelled. Do I really want to impart my own values onto my students?
Students at such a young age, have quite impressionable minds and I believe that they are not at the age where they can make proper decisions for themselves yet (no offense to young students :6 ). So, I decided (5 mins ago :p ) that I will be teaching them values which are accepted by the majority, while giving them room to think about the possibilities. I want them to be able to learn that they make the choices in their lives and choices have consequences......
I still believe that there is no right or wrong.. Just whatever that works for you in becoming who you want to be. I will not tell this to my students though... Think this requires a certain level of maturity and/or experience to handle... For example, for smoking, I believe that there is no right or wrong. But do you want to allow your life to suffer because of problems with related financial and health issues? ...
This is all for now... :p I'll redefine my opinion towards this matter along the way...
Following through in helping/counselling... This is my weak point :s I think I will only help out when it is convenient for me. I need to learn to follow through... need to learn to commit myself no matter what... Setting a target will help to remind myself about the area and other related issues that I should focus on.
Is love and sex two different things? ... Technically, it is. like a "woman" and a "period"... haha... For those who are wondering what I am talking, I am now going to use an example which my friend described.
Imagine your parents, individually, having sex with other people but they claim that they are just having sex and they still love their husband/wife... Will you accept this kind of behavior? ... Even if you do not accept, will you engage in this sort of behavior? ... Do you want to become this person? ... ( Take note that I did not say which is right or which is wrong.. :6 )
I thought the national service recognition award is giving cash payouts.... haha...
Yeah bro, there is no right or wrong in a lot of stuff. Choice Theory looks into the reason - that every behaviour is purposeful. Hence, instead of ganging up with parents to advise teenagers to quite smoking (which parents are already doing anyway), we shift focus from behaviours to reasons - why are they doing what they are doing? When we address the reasons, there is no more motivation to continue with the behaviours - settled! Honestly speaking, working with so many clients going through EMA (extra-marital affairs), I have learnt to label EMA not as a "wrong" behaviour, but an "unhelpful" behaviour; because when you consider the situation, you will be able to understand and empathise. Seldom heard of teachers focusing on values nowadays...good job bro!
Andy Phakdii
Hmm... will update you again when I start work.. whether I walk the talk... :s
actions come after character building which stems from values.
i think its a cycle. values then actions. soooooo i think imparting values to the kids - if they get it, they will automatically start behaving right - in their case: studying hard. i think you will get what i mean? you can expect gd results coming after you have imparted them values. gd values can produce gd results. but i doubt that gd results can produce gd values.
gr, way to go. i like how you think about what type of teacher you want to be. i think that parents lack time and patience to impart values to their kids these days.
can you get a transfer to all boy school? im gonna send my kid to single sex school next time. hahahha.
hmmm... I don't really see having good values and having good results. A kid may be very honest and diligent but he/she still may not be able to get good results. .... haha... Just letting you know of this possibility la...
I don't know.. I heard that I will come back to the same school after my 2 yrs of NIE... :/ See how ba...
I wanna and will walk my talk :o ... :8
Anyway.. Thank you for the affirmation... :)
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