Wednesday, September 22, 2010

kiddy career

Tried the Florider at Sentosa last Saturday.

Although I was wearing my swimming trunks plus army shorts, the waves still managed to push me to the top, with my butt crack showing out... haha. Lucky that nobody seemed to notice :p

Anyway, I got on the fake waves for around 7 times for $35... :s


Yay :o A kind of a break from school... :p I will be heading to NUS for the next two days, for a program to equip us contract teachers with basic teaching skills. I sure hope that we can pick up some skills to better handle the students that we have.


What I have learnt from my 8 days of teaching:
  • Just when you think you know how to handle the stress, something else will happen to make you think again.
  • It is important to know the names of the students that you are teaching. So that you do not have to waste time to go to that kid's table/position.
  • It is very very important, to know what kind of rewards the kids like and what kind of punishments the kids hate the most.
  • It is useful and helpful to engage the interest of the kids that you are teaching. And as kids lose interest easily, you must keep thinking of new ideas, so that they will pay attention to you.
  • Kids are kids. They like to play, make noise, complain about each other and get attention. They are not adults, a fact which most people tends to forget when they deal with the kids.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Iruka Sensei recollecting his past.

"Iruka: After the death of my parents, there was no one left to praise or accept me.

I did a lot of stupid things in class. I wanted to get people's attention.

He's (Naruto) ... the same as I was back then."

Was my reason the same as his? Wanting to do things to get people's attention to make up for the lack of attention and acceptance?

Note to self: Give more praise and acceptance to my primary school kids... and maybe to other "kids" too :p


Iruka remembering why he wanted to become a teacher.. because of something that the Third Hokage told him in the past.

"Third Hokage: It's already been a year huh.. Smiling while hiding your sadness isn't easy, is it?

I heard from your teacher that you're the centre of laughter.

Iruka(tearing) : I'm not sad!

It's an honor for a ninja to die on a mission.

Mom and Dad sacrificed their lives to protect the village from that demon fox.

They're heroes!

I'm the son of heroes! I'm not sad that I'm alone!

These are tears of happiness!

(Third Hokage pulls Iruka in for a hug)

Third Hokage: That's enough.

I know that you crawl into a ball when you're by yourself.

But you are not alone.


It's difficult to be happy when we are sad inside. But we still try... We will get better in the end, but external help does facilitate the process... :6

Friday, September 17, 2010

see saw

School was tough on the first day but I have gotten used to it after a few days. Still have a lot more to learn :o

Is there anything that i can get for 15 classes on children's day? ...
... haha..


for those who saw me... have they really seen me at all?

Just because you have put someone into a box, it does not mean that all of that person fit inside it.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

different start

I went to this outdoor play at TPY yesterday with TPD. PD left early because they found it boring. :6 Will upload photos after i get the photos from T.

Then... I went for lunch at WED's house this afternoon. D was somewhere else, so only WE were doing the cooking and they cooked a total of ten dishes :o I think the 7 of us were full after we finished up half of everything.. haha.. I super seldom have home-cooked meals so I really appreciated what they did.

After transporting all the food and soup, there were only space for 1 or 2 more bowls of soup on the table.. :6


It has been a different week as I went to new places, did different activities, hung out with different friends. A good start to my first day at work tmr :o

Saturday, September 11, 2010

head matters

It is only during a few days back, that I got to know that Illuma has seven floors :s I was so used to taking the escalators that I didn't know that the lifts are able to go up 2 more floors.

I should have taken a photo of the steak dish somewhere in the middle between the above two photos.. :/

I think the food is quite tasty.. really :o Don't be deceived by the normal looking desserts.


Watched "Going the distance" after the dinner, and I kinda enjoyed the show. Apart from the funny characters, and their script, the chemistry between the different characters helped a lot in communicating what they want, to me.. or maybe it was because I am craving for the sweetness the two main characters share.. :8


2 hours of prawn fishing seemed to pass in a blink of an eye.. Must try at least 3 hours of prawning next time :o


Thank you for the reminder..

要拼才会赢 :o

拼s for today: child psychology, stocks basics.

p.s.: Good things are usually difficult to swallow.. :8


It is when you feel super lousy, that, you will be super grateful to/for the people who accept you for who you are.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

special zen

Had turkish food at arab street.


Yesterday, because of the rain, instead of going to ecp to cycle, we decided on a steamboat lunch.

mj and jo think that my hair looks funny from behind... :/

For relationships, I think I am growing kinda zen-ed... or jaded?

Acts are special when they are done on a special few..

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

good life

Keywords: surprised girl with a bunch of roses, girl friend videotaping the whole scene..

Keywords: Attention much!!, trouble with officer at the train station, attention much again :o , wows from kids and passerbys..

Keywords: Hedonistic :8 but fun and close birthday gathering..


For the first time, I went for a fortune telling session at this place at Beauty World Centre this afternoon. Hmmm.. I shan't say everything or anything much, but I want to remind myself
  • not to talk to much or argue at my workplace
  • to try to settle my arrogance(?) so that I can socialize in a bigger group
  • to keep getting out of my comfort zone to... 拼!
  • to study more.
  • to be careful in handling my finances.
  • to buy toto and sweepstakes in the 11th month of the lunar calendar :o or 7th month.. which makes tommorow the last day... and there isn't any toto or sweepstake draw tmr :s

Friday, September 3, 2010

criteria to let go..

Hints on whether to let go or hold on...

There are always different ways of how you can handle a situation..

fat bookworm

This means...
Read more = Grow fat :s

But I think it is a good way to get kids with a sweet tooth to read books... :) Or maybe, their parents will just force their kids to borrow books so that they themselves can enjoy the desserts :/


I just finished reading "The Last Song" by Nicholas Sparks. I like it more than the other books because the main characters were nearer to my age, instead of the other older main characters in his other books.

I teared a few times as I was reading it at the food court at Causeway Point and in the office lo... haha...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

own choice theory

Some time back, after all that I have heard and seen, from other ppl's experiences, some from my own, I believe that my main aim in being a teacher would be imparting the proper values on to students. Good grades would be ranked a bit lower :6 (no offense to parents). But a friend asked me about the values which I considered as proper. It got me thinking.. I admit that my thinking is a tad different from the majority and I believe in taking the path less travelled. Do I really want to impart my own values onto my students?

Students at such a young age, have quite impressionable minds and I believe that they are not at the age where they can make proper decisions for themselves yet (no offense to young students :6 ). So, I decided (5 mins ago :p ) that I will be teaching them values which are accepted by the majority, while giving them room to think about the possibilities. I want them to be able to learn that they make the choices in their lives and choices have consequences......

I still believe that there is no right or wrong.. Just whatever that works for you in becoming who you want to be. I will not tell this to my students though... Think this requires a certain level of maturity and/or experience to handle... For example, for smoking, I believe that there is no right or wrong. But do you want to allow your life to suffer because of problems with related financial and health issues? ...

This is all for now... :p I'll redefine my opinion towards this matter along the way...


Following through in helping/counselling... This is my weak point :s I think I will only help out when it is convenient for me. I need to learn to follow through... need to learn to commit myself no matter what... Setting a target will help to remind myself about the area and other related issues that I should focus on.


Is love and sex two different things? ... Technically, it is. like a "woman" and a "period"... haha... For those who are wondering what I am talking, I am now going to use an example which my friend described.

Imagine your parents, individually, having sex with other people but they claim that they are just having sex and they still love their husband/wife... Will you accept this kind of behavior? ... Even if you do not accept, will you engage in this sort of behavior? ... Do you want to become this person? ... ( Take note that I did not say which is right or which is wrong.. :6 )

I thought the national service recognition award is giving cash payouts.... haha...
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